Which Type of Shivling Is Best For Home?

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“Har Har Mahadev”

It is one of the most powerful mantras in Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma. The word Har means to ‘take away’ and Mahadev is no other than Lord Shiva. He is known as the Father of the Universe. He is the ultimate energy that is circulating in this universe. He is also called the Mahayogi. Maha is the greatest and Yogi is a person who has conquered all of his senses. Hence he does not have any kind of desire.

What is shivling?

Shivling is the symbolic representation of the Infinite energy of lord Shiva. The linga (the upright structure) is the representation of Infinite energy of Lord Shiva and the base represents the cradling or holding of energy. There are many interpretations of Shivlinga some say that it represents the energy that is eternal hence, begins at forever and ends at never.

Every home needs the eternal blessing of Mahadev. There are many ways to seek his blessings, one of the most sought-after ways is to get a shivling and worship him at home.

Brass Idol Shivling

Why Is Brass Idol Shivling Best For Home?

There are different types of shivlings that are available around us. The shivlings made of different types of material grant different blessings. One of most common and auspicious shivling for homes and residential places is a Brass Idol Shivling.

So your first question would be, why Brass? Why not any other metal or material? Well, first of all brass is an alloy which is made from the mix of Copper and zinc. In the Vedas, it is written that Copper is the metal that can absorb up to 70% of the positive vibration of an energy and can retain the energy for a long time while zinc is said to be the metal which has a spiritual connection with Planet Venus. The planet Venus is said to affect one's knowledge, creativity, wisdom, luxury and satisfaction. Together they form brass which is one of the metals from Panch Tatva.

Benefits of having a Brass Shivling

  • Way To Riches- Money, prosperity, wealth, abundance call it whatever you want the core need is the same for everyone. We all need resources to be the best version of ourselves. We work hard for it, day and night and the right blessing can uplift us beyond our imagination. It is said that if a devotee prays to the shivling Lord Shiva will grant him or her whatever riches that they may require.
  • Higher Spirituality- Lord Shiva originated Yoga, Thus his name Adiyogi means the Original yogi. Yoga is the first step towards the meditation and spirituality of an individual. When one devotee prays to Lord Shiva for spiritual enlightenment with a pure heart lord Shiva bestows the blessing to the devotee.
  • Inner Peace- Whenever someone wants to have inner peace, the person is suggested to meditate. The core aim to meditate is to attain inner peace, upliftment and at last spiritual enlightenment. When one meditates with shivling they will experience the flow of energy from the shivling to him or her. As shivling is considered to be the optimum source of positive energy which will result in experiencing inner peace.
  • Increases Focus- let it be the constant stress to be productive in office or the pressure to have an outstanding performance in academics. At some point in our life we feel distracted despite of taking adequate rest. To prevent it from happening it is believed that having a Brass Idol at your study desk will increase the flow of positive vibration and hence help to improve the concentration which will directly help in increasing focus.
  • Put an end to poverty- Lord Shiva has many names one of them is Bholenath which is made of two words Bhole and Nath. The word Bhole means innocent and Nath means Lord. Together they mean the Innocent Lord. As the name suggests, one of the most Prominent qualities of Lord Shiva is being innocent and naive when it comes to blessing his devotees with whatever they may ask for. Even if Lord Shiva is a yogi,which means a person who is unattached to all kinds of materialistic desire, he is known for his boons to offer riches and remove all the negativity which dwells around poverty and fill the atmosphere and life of a devotee with abundance.
  • Achieve Success- In Ramayan, before building Ram Setu, Lord Ram who is the Supreme God of Universe and is responsible for preservation of the whole Universe. When Lord Ram was stuck with the difficulty about crossing the sea, he made a Shivling with his own hands and prayed to it. In order to receive the blessing to fight the battle of Lanka and defeat Ravana. After which Lord Shiva blessed him with the same.
  • Marital Blessings - Lord Shiva is married to Goddess Parvati who is goddess of food, Nourishment, love and selfless devotion. Together, they are the power couple of Hindu mythology. It is said that if a person prays to shivling or even has one then the person's marital life is filled with the blessings of Both Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. They are said to bless the newly wed couple with fertility, love, prosperity and harmony for their newly married life. For the older couple, it is believed that by praying to the shivling with a pure heart they receive love, peace, harmony and happiness to keep their bond strong.


In this blog, We have talked about the Origin of Shivling, its significance and the benefits of having a Brass idol shivling. Hope that all the information that we have helped you to provide a clearer perspective of Lord Shiva and his connection with Shivling.

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Table of Contents

1. What is shivling?

2. Why Is Brass Idol Shivling Best For Home?

3. Benefits of having a Brass Shivling

4. Conclusion